Copyright 2018 a mouse in the house productions
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After recording “Lost in the Middle of Nowhere” and before starting the “69” project, I wrote and recorded some new material which eventually became “Falling for you all over again”… a record that I like a lot. Then, I started with the “69” project which was finished right before my 70th birthday but released afterwards. I didn’t want to call it “70” because I thought “69” sounded better… for reasons unknown. So that’s out and all over virtual space. I’m thinking of re-recording all the songs from “With you in my arms” from 1976 and have Chuck sing them… sort of a 21st century version of the album. I’m also thinking of picking a dozen or so vocal tunes from my past albums and have Jim McKay sing and Bob Cubillos play the guitar parts and come up with a new “Mighty Dog” album… “Old Dog, New Tricks” I like it.
What’s going on